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Nathan Outteridge
9x World Champion, Olympic Gold Medallist
“The most used app on my phone, Don’t know what I’d do without it.”

Ed Gorman
Sailing Correspondent, The Times, 1996-2006
“Completely reliable, an essential part of the daily routine onboard.”

Peter Burling
Americas Cup Winner, Olympic Gold Medallist
“I’d recommend PredictWind to anyone heading out on the water.”
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"I’d recommend PredictWind to anyone heading out on the water."
Peter Burling
Americas Cup Winner, Olympic Gold Medallist

"Completely reliable, an essential part of the daily routine onboard."
Ed Gorman
Sailing Correspondent, The Times, 1996-2006

"The most used app on my phone, Don’t know what I’d do without it."
Nathan Outteridge
9x World Champion, Olympic Gold Medallist
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