Marinas in Satakunta
Marinas in Satakunta

Krookan vierassatama ja kalasatama
Marina in Satakunta
Krooka Guest Harbor You can stay free of charge at the Guest Harbor Pier for 24 hours. Boaters have access to toilets, showers and fuel distribution. Bicycles can also be borrowed from the restaurant for shopping 1.5 km to the city center. From the archive: Many refueling points have ceased on the shores of the Bothnian Sea in the last ten years.
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Marina in Satakunta
Guest harbour.
Laitakari and its guest harbour are popular rest stops among both land and sea travellers. The guest harbour has plenty of room, and the area provides a wide range of services.
Accommodation, Beach, Boat ramp, Café, Collection place, Drinking water, Electricity, Emptying of septic, tank, Events, Fuel, Harbour, Playground, Restaurant, Sauna, Shower, Toilet, Washhouse.
Laitakari harbor is located about five kilometers from the center of Eurajoki Luvia, between Pori and Rauma
The port is home to many operators and offers several services to its visitors throughout the year.
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Marina in Satakunta
Mooring to the main dock was effortless with a nine-meter boat. The stern buoys were at a suitable distance from the dock.
No fuel is available from the port.
The septic tank can also be emptied, but not at the touch of a button: the device with the tank is carted to the dock, and emptying is done by manual pumping.
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