Marinas in Calabria
Marinas in Calabria

Costa Viola Yacht Club
Marina in Calabria
Costa Viola Yacht Club Srl was born in 2011 from the passion of five friends who have always had a passion for the sea. When the port authority prepared the activities for the new tourist port of Palmi - Taureana, the company was set up to apply for the concession of a stretch of water to be equipped for the mooring of pleasure boats and the relative space on land for the organization of services.
The Costa Viola Yacht Club holds the second concession issued by the port authority and was the first company to set up the equipped dock in the port of Palmi - Taureana.
Today, the Costa Viola Yacht Club offers berths and all the services related to pleasure boats and commercial boats.
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Le Castella
Marina in Calabria
Le Castella Marina is also known as Port Le Castella and it is located in the coastal town with the same name, in the province of Crotone and the region of Calabria. This marina is a part of the municipality of the Island of Capo Rizzuto and it is a tourist destination that enchants through its astonishing panoramas and natural attractions. Tourists who will choose to stop in this marina will enjoy the beauties of the Ionian Coast and will be able to visit the Isola Capo Rizzuto which is only 10 km away from the resort. The Aragonese castle of Le Castella can be observed from off shore along with the old fortress that offers a medieval aspect. Tourism is well-developed here and travellers will encounter clean beaches with fine sands, great accommodation services, luxurious restaurants and romantic spots. Friendly hotels are ready to accommodate a large number of tourists. The Hotel La Calabrese, the Hotel Il Corsare, the Hotel La Brace and other private rentals are available here.
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Marina "Carmelo"
Marina in Calabria
Mooring and fixed structure assistance to yachts and pleasure boats in transit
The' activity around the "Marina" Carmel you can, right reason, define pioneer. Ranieri, a native son of Carmel Vibo Marina, since teenager has shown a great passion for the sea, making it one of his reasons for living. Young has been around the world aboard several ships, before returning to his hometown and, at the beginning of the years ' 60, to what would become, with constant application, the symbol of the tourist harbor faculties at Vibo Marina, i.e. falban.
Over time, even in presence of a territory that was not then a particular tourist vocation, the Pontoon structure grows and, hand in hand, improves the quality of services offered, making an ideal base for mooring big boats to Sicily rather than in Greece and, at the same time, initiating a series of shipbuilding activities and specialized technical assistance determining the appreciation of boaters from all over Italy, which begin to move their boats in the port of Vibo Marina.
The role of promoter of the territory, the pier organizes various events that contribute to bringing an increasing number of fans to the world of boating and especially to enhance the entire provincial context; a classic example is the sailing regatta that for 12 consecutive years involved and saw both competitors challenge local and foreigners. In the years ' 90, again Carmel Pier, the first yacht charter company based in Preston, Mar'Incontro. Rental of recreational craft is an innovative and rapidly expanding then was exercised only in certain regions of Italy, including Tuscany and Campania.
In this context are started the first sailing lessons, also organized for children, and experience proves so exciting that some participants decide to devote himself completely to boating; some of them are today well-known commanders of units while others have become important yacht designer of Italian and foreign shipyards.
Salways during the same period, the pier and the Mar'Incontro take on the job by the Federation Italian Motonautica organize competitions of various classes of Italian Championship offshore and endurance; to facilitate the extension of the summer these demonstrations are organized in periods of low season, increasing the work of the restaurateurs and hoteliers, who find themselves with several hundred customers in periods usually of tired.
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Marina in Calabria
The port of Laghi di Sibari is a modern marina, made up of some peninsulas that extend over a body of water of 420,000 square meters with a total of 15 piers. Laghi di Sibari rises almost in the center of the Valle del Crati, and is an excellent starting point for the seas of Greece.
Dangers: pay attention to the silts near the entrance.
Hours of access: limited (dawn to sunset).
Access: contact the marina via VHF radio channel 9 or 16 for instructions at the entrance.
Lighthouses and lights: 3430 (E 2130.5) - white flash light, grp 4, period 20 sec., range 12 M (landing light); 3430.5 - buoy with flashing green light, range 3 M, indicates the beginning of the Stombi canal; 3430.7 - buoy with flashing red flashing light, range 3 M, indicates the beginning of the Stombi canal; 3431 (E 2131) - flashing red light, 1 sec., range 3 M, on the pier head on the left as you enter; 3431.2 (E 2131.2) - flashing green light, period 1 sec., range 3 M, on the starboard pier head as you enter.
Sea bed: sand and silt.
Seabed: from 3 to 3.20 m. on the quay.
Radio: Vhf channel 16 and 09 (“Casa Bianca Group srl”).
Berths: 200.
Maximum length: 30m.
Winds: west and III quadrant.
Traversia: north-east wind, east and sirocco.
Close: from the III and IV quadrants.
Nearest safe harbors: Porto di Corigliano Calabro 5 M to the South.
Local Expert: Mr. Martorano Gino.
Areas reserved for pleasure craft
Four piers each 110 m long are managed by Casa Bianca Group srl.
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